Rappelling & Rock Climbing

Venture Up Rappelling

Rappelling and Rock Climbing team building events offer high-angle fun and and are suitable for people of all shapes and sizes. Imagine hanging from a rope on a rocky cliff 70 feet above the ground. Dangling like a spider, you slowly rappel, lowering yourself down to the ground.


Basic rock climbing and rappelling are easy for first-timers. We begin on level ground, learning about the equipment, techniques and back-up safety systems. Then we practice everything on low angle slabs. When you’re ready for high angle, we’re ready to take you. Suited up in helmets, climbing harnesses and hardware, Venture Up sets the ropes, helps you hook up the rappel and climbing systems, double checks the back-up belays, and off you go! Rappelling and rock climbing with Venture Up is a great experience for groups up to 40 participants.
Whether climbing natural rock or ascending one of our portable Corporate Climbing Towers, novice climbers can feel the exhilaration of success. Stretching as high as 45 feet, our artificial climbing walls may be set up almost anywhere, indoors or outdoors. Simulated rock footholds make climbing easier.


Venture Up was one of the first 25 schools in the nation accredited by the American Mountain Guides Association. Thousands have been part of the experience since we began in 1983Today Venture Up provides mountain adventure programs worldwide, including limited excursions to Chamonix France, the alpinism capital of the world.