Social Media

Connect with Venture Up on Social Media


Every day Venture Up posts on social media. We invite you to connect. Please also visit our blog on this site. We look forward to your recommendations, questions and comments. We respond to all..  Here are our off-site social media accounts:


Venture Up Team Building

Get up-to-date photos on our travels across the U.S. and beyond, short quotes and posts, articles and resources you can use and share. Gotta question? We respond to all comments.


Venture Up


Venture Up Team Bldg 

Fly into the conversation our conversations on Twitter.  We ReTweet the best of the best from top biz schools and leaders in the world of entrepreneurship / small business (same thing, right?), and comb through the net to find the best articles to share…12 + times a day. Follow us and we’ll follow back.

Venture Up Blog


It’s right here, on this site. Started in November 2104, Venture Update shares a variety of fun photos, cartoons and articles for leaders and team members at work and in life.  We welcome your feedback and your requests for a guest blog. Please email us at [email protected].

Constant Contact

Venture Update Newsletter

Since 2010, Venture Up has published this ad-free, mini promo newsletter. Full of trivia, photos and some edgy quotes that get you thinking, Venture Update also shares photos of recent programs, featuring new and repeat clients, and we always add something quirky.

Google Plus

Venture Up Team Building

We have a dozen G+ pages for our brick & mortar locations, but the Big Daddy is our Brand Page.  Take a look.


Venture Up

Venture Up is bent on being original. We create in-house graphics, tips, images and sneak peaks behind the scenes with our staff in action. Gotta pin? Join us on Pinterest.


VENTURE UP Team Building

Business Page

David Lengyel
Co-founder David Lengyel represents Venture Up on Linked in. Your invites are welcome, whether we know you or not. Trouble connecting directly? Just use the [email protected] email address.


Venture Up Travel & Team Events

Got photos? We sure do. See images of our Travel and Team Building Events over the years, in the U.S. and abroad.


Venture Up Team Building

Still working on our videos, but we’re getting there. Stay tuned.